Thursday, July 21, 2011


So I read this devotional back in June and shared it with my family because it was so encouraging. My mom just e-mailed it back to me tonight, and I needed to hear it more than ever. I've been a bucketful of tears tonight. But my heart felt so hopeful and refreshed after reading these words again. How does she always know what I need? ;) Thanks, Mom... and thanks, God, for reminding me of these truths...   

God-sized Dreams: The Disclaimers

I’ve been talking about God-sized Dreams for almost two years now on my blog. And I’m writing a book for Revell on them too. As I’ve put my pen to paper and fingers to keyboard lately, I’ve realized how differently this journey has turned out from what I’ve expected. It’s been good, so good, but there are also some things I wish someone had told me when I was getting started.
So, my friends, I’m sharing them with you.
I like to think of them as the Dream Disclaimers {thanks for the phrase, Denise!}
Disclaimer 1: You will never figure out what God is doing. Ever.
I’m the kind of girl who likes to have a strategy. Put it in a mission statement, powerpoint, or at least a well-thought out conversation. Before I ever go on vacation I’ve already picked out where I’ll eat every meal. I want to know the itinerary and the destination.
And I tend to ask God for both of those things. Ladies, He does not cooperate.
When it comes to God-sized Dreams, you might get the next step. You might catch a glimpse of the vision. You might know where you think you’re going. But then…
Our big, mysterious God shows up and you realize you don’t have a clue. His ways are beyond figuring out. This doesn’t mean you’re missing something, doing it wrong, or are wrong the path. It just means He’s God and we’re not.
That’s the best and hardest part all wrapped into one.
Disclaimer 2: The fear will never go away.
I remember the first time I ever went on a roller coaster. I sat next to my Dad, clenched the bar until my knuckles were white, and kept whispering over and over, “It’s gonna be fun. It’s gonna be fun.” God-sized Dreams feel a lot like that too. I thought at some point the fear would go away. It doesn’t–there’s always another hill, another twist and turn you didn’t expect, another reason why you don’t feel ready.
Get used to fear. It’s what pushes you into faith.
That knot in your stomach isn’t untying anytime soon–the only option is to accept it as part of the ride and even dare to enjoy it a bit. Put your arms in the air, feel the rush, and scream your guts out all the way into whatever it is God has for you. Wheee!
Disclaimer 3: You will never feel like you are enough.
If you tuned into my thoughts like a radio station, there would be a thousand versions of the same song playing. And the choruses would all have these two words, “When I….” I’ve told myself when my blog grew I’d feel like enough. When I got a book contract I’d feel like enough. When I finally learned how to accessorize I would feel like enough {thank you, TJ Maxx}.
But here’s a secret: Success can be even more frightening than failure because it comes with higher expectations. That’s why it’s so darn scary. Getting your “When I…” will never take that insecurity away–it will only put a magnifying glass to it.
BUT we don’t need to be enough. Because God says to our hearts, “You don’t have to be enough…because I am more than enough in you.” You’ve already got what it takes for your God-sized Dream because you have the ultimate Dreamer {and Fulfiller} living inside you.
I don’t know what dream is knocking on your heart today or what might be holding you back from opening the door. But let me lean in and whisper to you…
“Hey, beautiful girl, it’s okay. Let that dream come on in. You’ve got what it takes. You’re going to be okay. Even more than that–you’re going to change the world. It’s not going to be what you expect. Not at all. Oh, it’s going to be so much more.”
The world is waiting.
For you–wonderful, imperfect, glorious, God-filled, messy you.
It’s your time.
And I dare you to turn the knob…

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